
HTMLButcher is a tool to transform static layout images into HTML.

To accomplish this, HTMLButcher divides the image into AREAS. Each area can have a set of properties, and can be divided in a number of sub-areas, each also with its own set of properties and sub-areas, and so on.


A FILE is an image file containing the layout to be sliced.

FILES can be created on the DataFiles menu.


A MASK is a retangular box containing LINES and AREAS. They can be reused in more than one layout, with layout-specific customizations.

MASKS can be created on the DataMasks menu.


To create AREAS, you draw LINES from the edges of a MASK, or other AREAS of kind MASK. The LINES intersections will determine the AREAS.

Each AREA translate to a HTML table cell. AREAS can be of 3 kinds:

  • Image (will generate an image of the AREA box);

  • Mask (will generate an inner table with sub-areas);

  • None (will generate a blank cell);


A VIEW is a combination of a FILE with a MASK, which in turn can generate a single HTML page. The VIEW contains properties that will affect the generation of the HTML page.

VIEWS can be created on the DataViews menu.