Image slicing and HTML table generation;
Table or AP tableless layout generation - per area setting makes possible to create mixed table/AP tableless layout if desired;
Per-slice image format selection, with preview and file size calculation;
Unlimited nested table generation (tables inside tables) - you are not limited to a single HTML table for the entire design, this makes it easier to integrate with dynamic sites;
Customizable re-use of layout mask - create a base mask, and re-use it on similar pages, but allowing some customizations independently on each page;
Allows substitution of images with standard HTML, for slices with fixed background colors;
Easy image map generation;
Powerful in-place preview - Preview your design using the real selected image format and parameters, with simple HTML support;
Design stretcheable sites easier - generate a repeatable image to use as a background for body and cells, fixed and variable size slices;
Simple transparent-color/pixel setting - can generate images with transparent color and/or pixel easily inside the tool;
Global areas - define an image by using a free-positioned area, and use this image as some slice's image, page/cell background, or just save it for use manually;
Alternate image support - Can have more than 1 image for each page, easy exchanged by a hotkey, to aid in seeing the full page with text together with the stripped page. Also the alternate image can be used in place of the main image;
Extremelly precise and easy tool for sizing, aligning, and repetition-aligning of slices - can move pixel by pixel, entering values manually, all with a live preview area;
Automatic grid slicing tool;
HTML properties setting inside the tool, like cell alignment, background color, URLs, cell content, and customization of each tag parameters individually;
CSS editing helper - Shows and allow editing of one or more CSS files in all windows it is rellevant; any number of CSS files per site can be used;
Image formats customization and reuse - create any number of image format patterns (GIF, JPEG, PNG, bit depth, compression), and re-use them in all pages;
Single file all-including project - can be shared by designers/programmers, stored as backup to make future changes in layout easier to integrate;
1-step full site generation - Can save a single page, or multiple pages with a single menu item;